This past week, I was told of 7 people who had passed away – each because of different circumstances.  All stories are very sad and overwhelming to the family and friends.  For those who were ill, even though they knew death was near, it doesn’t make that loss any easier.

There was one story, however, that truly impacted my life.  It’s a story of a young, 19-year-old, woman.  She was traveling back to her hometown, to visit her grandparents, when her life was instantly taken from her in a very tragic automobile accident.  You may say, things like this happen all the time and then ask why did this story of someone I never met impact me so greatly.  The following is my answer:

Megan, in her short 19 years, already had a more fulfilled life than I.  She was full of life, full of purpose, full of desire and passion.  Not only was I told this from some of her friends (friends that only knew her very little — maybe met once or twice), but also from reading what people wrote in the their condolences, and from watching videos of her that were being posted on Facebook.  Everything that has been said about her has not been negative.  Everyone that speaks of her tells that she was very humble, caring, giving, thoughtful, accepting, and loving.

Today, I had the privilege of attending such a beautiful ceremony, celebrating the life of this young woman, Megan.  There are not enough words to describe the wide array of emotions that were converged into one room — sadness, joy, loss, peace, disbelief, comfort, and most of all LOVE.

“One day your life will flash before your eyes.  Make sure it’s worth watching.” 

That quote has been playing over and over in my mind ever since Tuesday, March 15, 2011 when I first heard of Megan’s tragic accident and how young she was.  I even questioned, why did this have to happen to her?  Why did someone so young, who hasn’t even truly lived, leave this earth so suddenly?  WHY!?  The answer to that question may never be known.  I have to wonder, what did Megan see?  What a story that had to be…..

I began to look deep inside myself….soul-searching.  I asked myself this question…. If I were to die today, at almost 26 years old, could I say that my life was worth it?

During the ceremony today, with every word that was spoken, with every emotion felt, you knew that she truly lived, she truly loved, and she was truly happy.  No, that doesn’t take away the fact that her life ended too soon, but it gives peace to those who knew her and loved her — to know that she lived a life of fulfillment.

Throughout her childhood, her parents instilled in her everything that they knew….everything that they thought she should know about life, love, happiness…and of GOD. God gives us all free-will.  When it came time for her to be responsible for herself, she took everything that was instilled in her and did not use them for the gifts and desires of this world, but rather for the GLORY OF GOD.

Again, you ask me how do I know these things, if I never met her…..  in a way, I feel I did.  She had such an impact on so many people’s lives — young, old, rich, poor, friends, and even strangers.   Because of this, stories are ringing out….stories of again, life, love, and happiness.

I want to learn to live like her — fearless, determined, humble, optimistic…..the list goes on and on.

I want to learn to love like her.  Megan’s boyfriend, Jordan, described their love for each other today.  Even though her feet are no longer touching the ground, his love continues on.  Because, “when you’re ruined (when you are in love with someone, loving them with all your heart, and there’s no possible way anyone else can compare), you don’t want to settle for less.”  While we all deserve to be loved and love like that in return, that isn’t the type of love that I am speaking of, for that is a different kind of love.  I want to learn to love like her — a love for the rich, the homeless, the healthy, the sick….indiscriminate love…..selfless love….

“We were always supposed to accomplish two basic tasks — Love God, Love People.  Everything else is just commentary! ” – Megan

The combination of these two things is what made her happy…. It is what made her who she was.  People will not remember you for the things you accomplished in school, your position at work, or what you were……they will remember you for WHO you were….for how you lived…if you were happy.  Megan is remembered for who she was — an earthly angel.

She accomplished this, by seeking after God….  I feel as if her life was based on this prayer:  “Open my eyes to things unseen.  Show me how to love like YOU have loved me.  Break my heart for what breaks YOURS.  Everything I am for YOUR kingdom’s cause.  As I walk from earth to Eternity.”

I can only imagine that when she looked into the face of Jesus, He looked her in the eyes and said, “well done…..WELL DONE….YOUR LIFE WAS WORTH IT!!!”

So today, I begin a new journey….. a journey to follow in the example of this 19-year-old woman.  She will forever be remembered.  Her legacy has surpassed many.  If I can only be half the person she was….

As the saying goes, “you have not lived until you have done something for someone who can never repay you.”  The way that Megan made people feel…..that can never be repaid.  Megan truly lived.  She continues living…..eternally… longer an earthly angel but, now and forever a Heavenly angel.

Again, I ask myself and I ask you….




Megan Hollingsworth

June 24, 1991 – March 15, 2011

