a road untraveled….to a world unseen Friday, Jan 21 2011 


We make a plan for our lives…. we dream… we seek a future… a road that we choose to follow, as we see fit, in order to reach the destination we have  created for ourselves.  This road, has been traveled by others before us.  It has been traveled by others with the same dreams, the same desires, the same fleshly wants.  There are footprints in this road…so many we don’t know which to follow and which to avoid.  It is lined with many road signs:  go forward, speed up, slow down, back up, yield, turn around.  More times than none, we reach a dead-end.  By the time we reach our destination, we lose who we are, who we wanted to become, and more importantly who GOD wants us to become.  We must STOP!  What is the purpose of trying to find ways to continue down that road, when the person we have become is not who we want to be?    What is the purpose of being miserable in who we are and in a destination that leaves us longing for more?

Hopes and dreams, and all the things

That you have ever made

It don’t mean much if in the end

You have lost your way


STOP!!  Refocus…..

Do not continue on the dead-end journey, a journey that you know is not going to change, a journey to a destination that is not complementary to your future.


STOP!!  Make a change…..


“Change is the essence of life.  Be willing to surrender what you are for what you could become.”

“Courage is the power to let go of the familiar.”

Too many times, we get accustomed to the life, the journey, the destination.   Too many times we choose to keep things as they are, no matter how dismal things have become.  Too many times we fear letting go of the familiar.  Too many times we lose out on a better life, a better journey, a better destination.


“In the midst of your greatest struggle lies the greatest opportunity for growth.  You grow through struggle.”


When the “dead-end” of our journey is reached, we struggle….we struggle with worry, with fear, with pain, with hurt.  We become afraid of the what if’s in life and the fears of regret.  However, we can learn from these struggles….and by giving them to GOD….we can grow.


Guilt and pain…

Here and now

Lay them down at the Savior’s feet…

Let go of all you know

Only then can life be found

Surrender all you hold

Lay it down, Lay it down, Lay it down

STOP!!  Seek HIM….


“The greatest thing in this life is not where we stand, but in what direction we are moving.”

“Leave the broken, irreversible past in God’s hands, and step out into the invincible future with Him.”


Cry out to your Heavenly Father….. leave your will behind and seek after HIS PERFECT WILL.  Let no dead end of your human desires stop you from seeking after the WILL OF GOD!!  Do not continue on a journey or continually live in a destination that leaves you hungry….hungry for love…hungry for peace….hungry for happiness…hungry for an understanding….hungry for a WALK and a RELATIONSHIP with GOD. Do not remain in a destination of uncertainty or constraint.  The past is the past and the present destination can be changed.  The pain, the hurt, the worry, the fear……place them in the hands of JESUS CHRIST….and move FORWARD!!  HE will take care of everything else, when you choose to follow after HIM.


STOP!!  Pray….


And I say unto you, Ask, and it shall be given unto you; seek, and ye shall find; knock, and it shall be opened unto you.

For every one that asketh, receiveth; and he that seeketh, findeth; and to him that knocketh, it shall be opened.

Luke 11:9-10


When we seek after Christ and we choose to follow HIS WILL…..we surrender to HIM.  We no longer choose to walk by fear, but by FAITH.


“FAITH makes things possible….not easy.”

The new road in HIM will not be easy, but HE has a plan and a purpose.  Though we do not see the destination, HE does.  When we ask for a way out, when we ask for direction, when we ask for a new journey and a new destination….HIS WORD says that WE SHALL RECEIVE, WE SHALL FIND, and the door SHALL BE OPENED.  When HE answers your prayers….follow HIM.  Hold on by faith to HIM.  HE will lead you on a new road.  It will be a road where the only footprints are HIS.  It will be a journey where the only road signs say “FOLLOW ME.


If any man serve me, let him follow me; and where I am, there shall also my servant be…

John 12:26


GO!!!  Follow HIM by FAITH…..


“You have to leave the city of your comfort and go into the wilderness of your intuition.  What you’ll discover will be wonderful.  What you’ll discover is yourself.”


You will find yourself in HIM….in HIS journey for you….and then you will discover your new destination…a new dream…a new future….with all the fullness of love….of happiness…of peace….


What have you got to lose?

Think of all you have to gain

HIS light….your light…awaits….


at the end of a road yet untraveled…..that leads to a world yet unseen…….








“To get to the rainbow, you have to get through the rain.” Monday, Jan 10 2011 

Each day, I usually post one facebook status.  It always pertains to something that is occurring in my life…my thoughts…my feelings…or what I believe could “hit home” with someone else.  I do not anticipate my statuses to be read by many, nor do I expect them to be this life-changing message.  Most are not my own, but all correlate with me and my life.

Earlier this week, I posted a quote that I read somewhere.  It said:  “To get to the rainbow, you have to get through the rain.”

I do not know the dictator of this quote.  I do not know the mindset, nor the situation that this person may have been in, when this statement was quoted.  What I do know is what went through my mind, when I read it.

2010, for me, was a life-changing year.  The life I had been living for almost six years, was no longer existent.  Everything that I had known….Everything that I had become….Everything that I tried to make the best of through the struggles, fake smiles, and the little hope that was left in that life.  Thoughts of what ifs and regrets.  Worried that I would never make it on my own.  Worried that I would never find myself again, in a whole new world….a new life that was about to begin for me.  The stress of the change overwhelmed my mind and my body.  Struggling with major change in my home and life…..struggling with a tough semester of college….struggling with feelings of uncertainty….and struggling with not knowing how to find ME!!

I am 25 years old and I have been a legal adult for quite some time now.  I had made decisions and choices that were, what I thought at that time, hard.  But it wasn’t until I was faced with the “disassembling” of my life that I truly understood how hard adulthood, and the seriousness of the choices I would be forced to make, can be.  I had tried everything I could to KNOW the answers BEFORE making these decisions.  I did not want to be faced with uncertainty.  I wanted to know what my outcome would be.  I was wrong!!

Our lives are not meant to be lived on OUR terms.  They are meant to be lived on GOD’s terms!!  It was a life that I had chosen to live, but was now a life that I was completely unfamiliar with. My life had become just something that I woke up every morning to, knowing the routine I had to complete just to get through the each day.  I will never know why I began a journey just to watch it end.  Only MY GOD does.  He has a plan and a purpose in every person’s life.  Though we may never understand, we have to hold on to the knowledge that GOD is in control.  We just have to completely SURRENDER ourselves to HIM.  Once I realized that, I fell on my knees and cried out to Him.  I prayed that He would clear my mind from all the fear, all the uncertainty, all the what ifs that would be confronting me in this new chapter of my life.  I prayed for strength and determination.  I prayed that I would, again, find me….not just the me that I once was….but the me that wants more of HIM.  In that moment of tears, of prayers, of renewing my relationship with my Heavenly Father….I began to grow.

His Word says that He will never put more on us than we can bear.  I held on, and am still holding on to that Truth!!  I cannot see the destination that He has for me, but  I have begun my journey, into my new life, with my hand holding on tight to Christ’s.  I no longer want to try and make my life what I want it to be.  I only want God’s will in my life.  I want to follow Him and allow Him to lead me.  His plan, His purpose, is greater than anything that I could ever make for myself.  It is in Him where I find my strength, my hope, my faith; in Him is where I will find MYSELF!!

In 2010, my change…my new life…my journey began.  I have no regrets of the past.  It has helped me become who I am today.

I made it through the rain…..

At the end of 2010, I had the privilege of spending time with three of the most amazing women I know.  Each of these women, in one way or another, have suffered through pain, fear, acceptance, and heartache.  After the small amount of time I was able to share with them, listening to their stories, becoming immersed in their emotions, and witnessing their sweet spirits, filled with the presence of GOD…..I realized that through their pain, they gained strength; through their fear, they gained courage; through their struggle with acceptance, they held on to faith in what they could not see, and became true to themselves; and through their heartache, they truly learned to LOVE.

Their examples….their faith….their trust in GOD…..their lives……THEIR rainbows….    Those things and more, inspired and motivated my desire to be true to ME and follow after God….. and HIS plan for my life……

I closed a chapter of my life in 2010.  My new chapter…my “reconstruction” has begun in 2011.

…..I am chasing after my rainbow



2010’s song for my life….